Where is WHIP

Diffusion policies of the standard file
Diffusion policies for the full version
Download of the standard file

Diffusion policies of the standard file

The main data diffusion policy was realized though the construction of a standard file of WHIP, composed by anonymous micro data according to art. 1 of law 675/1996 on the safeguarding of privacy . After the processing of Inps data, the data contained in the WHIP standard file can't be associated with identified or identifiable subjects, and are therefore classified as anonymous data. This allows their diffusion and guarantees their full availability for researchers.

The files are available from the page download. Users need to fill out the request for data access. Upon receipt of the signed statements LABORatorio R. Revelli will give a username and password enabling users to download the data. The request form can be send by mail or fax at the following address: LABORatorio Riccardo Revelli - Via Real Collegio 30, 10024 Moncalieri (To), Italy Fax +39 011 6705061